Justice of Convenience?

Two Thai fishermen were sentenced to death today after confessing to the rape and murder of the Brit Katherine Horton.

Horrific crimes like this can have a serious impact upon the tourism industry of any country, and would be especially catastrophic for Thailand that relies so heavily upon this trade. In an ideal world, the police would catch, try and sentence the perpetrators as quickly as possible in order to snuff out any doubt that future visitors may have over the safety of the country. And that's precisely what we got. Katherine disappeared on 1st January, the two men arrested on the 9th, tried on the 13th and sentenced to death on the 18th.

As this type of crime carries a certain death penalty, why on earth would they admit to it? Would you trust the eager Thai police with your DNA sample? Did they actually have a defence lawyer?

The whole process seems just a little too convenient to me.

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