Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Take Responsibility? Go on then!

Thursday, September 22nd, 2005

Today we saw Kate Moss' reluctant PR effort to stem the over-hyped media reaction to taking cocaine – something that isn't exactly a new phenomena in the modelling world – by issuing a statement that she takes "full responsibility for [her] actions". Great, well done. So what's she going to actually do about it that's 'responsible'? Is she going to check into the Priory clinic and embark on a useless course of therapy? Is she going to go to the police and tell them where she got the drug from? (not that they'd have to look very far – check out the mumbling mess that's attached to her hand who goes by the name of Pete). Is she going to issue another statement and claim that taking cocaine was a mistake that she'll never do again?

No she'll no doubt ride the current buzz (sorry..) and wait for it to pass before restarting her excellent modelling career. Can't really blame her though, as the current political climate is rife with senior politicians "taking responsibility" but not actually doing anything to correct their admitted errors. George W. Bush took "responsibility" for the farcical handling of hurricane Katrina – but did nothing. Blair took "responsibility" for the Iraqi WMD debacle and did even less! Words, words, and yet more twisted words.

The problem is that as more people use this phrase, it's meaning diminished. Lenny Bruce used this desensitisation to great effect – try saying "nigger" over and over again and eventually it becomes a surreal collection of consonants and vowels without racial overtones.

All this is not exactly a good example to set to the younger generation who are always being derided for their apparent lack of responsibility. If I was them, I'd be pretty confused.

Perhaps a more appropriate phrase would be "absorbing responsibility".

New Orleans – a sad indication or just tough luck.

Friday, September 9th, 2005

Would anyone like to comment on what we have seen over the past 2 weeks in the US? (does anyone read this drivel?)

Now that we have witnessed the melting pot of guns, poverty, race and anarchy, what does it say about the American culture?

As disgusted as I am (again) in the response of George W, I can't say that what I've seen is a huge surprise. It never was a winning combination.

Oh, and to the people who talk about the "cruelty of nature" and "nature taking revenge", I say get a life! Nature doesn't actually have a conscience, and that's precisely why we should respect it and not keep buggering about with it.


Thursday, February 24th, 2005

What's this ridiculous obsession with bottled water these days. It's the new fashion that says "Look at me, my body's fucking temple – I'm such a highly honed athlete that I need a constant supply of fresh mountain water to keep the delicate healthy balance in my body". Crap, total crap. What will happen if these bottle clingers forget their precious cargo for that 30 minute meeting with the boss? What the hell do they think will happen? Perhaps they're convinced that they get struck down with a violent attack of thirst-itis. Will they have to crawl on the belly back to their desk cry "w-a-t-e-r….w-a-t-e-r…". Or maybe these athletic bodies will suddenly collapse due to their water drip supply being broken and end up as a dessicated bag of nostrils and bones. For fuck sake! Drink when you're thirsty but please don't try and convince us that your pristine organs need to be constantly embalmed in sodding water. Grrrr.